
How to Design the Right Online Platform for Your School

Why should you consider an online learning platform for your school or university? Because online learning platforms can make your classes more accessible, allowing you to attract and enroll more students. Online educational platforms can also provide a safer option for students concerned about the risks of contracting various illnesses.

But how do you choose the right online learning platform? Before you make a selection, it’s always a good idea to carefully consider the various platform features available to your institution. Keep reading to learn about some of the most important online learning features to help you find the best platform for your school or university.

Make Sure it’s Compatible with Your Existing Hardware/Software

Implementing a new online learning system shouldn’t require you to start from scratch. It should offer seamless integration with the hardware and/or software you’re already using, including any lecture capture, webcasting or video hosting technologies.

What About Your Students’ Devices?

Be sure to consider the digital devices, internet connections and internet service providers (ISPs) your students are using to access the internet. Some are obviously better than others and can affect the quality of your digital video experience, making it more difficult to keep your students’ attention.

It’s also important to make sure your students don’t have to invest in new hardware to access your school’s online learning platform. Keep it simple. Browser-based platforms that don’t require new software create the fewest obstacles.

Don’t Forget About the Overall Learning Experience

Remember why we’re here. The most important thing about any online learning platform is the educational experience it provides. Your platform should be compatible with both synchronous and asynchronous learning options because most online courses use a combination of both. And because online learning is more than simply watching videos, it’s important to choose an online learning platform that supports interactive content and tools to review feedback from instructors in addition to live quizzes and exams.

Ease of Use is Everything

We’ve saved our most important tip for last. This one is a biggie: your online learning platform shouldn’t be highly technical. It needs to be easy to use for all parties, including teachers, students and administrators. The platform should have an intuitive operating system, simple controls and straightforward support options. Be sure to be mindful of all three features. Lacking even one can cause a myriad of problems. Remember, selecting an online learning platform is about using the best tools available to provide the best possible educational experience.

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