At Blue-X, we understand the value of tradition and experience. As a member of the education world for many years, we know that great things are developed over time. By helping students learn to think, and providing them with a critical thinking mindset, we prepare them for success in their futures. Our individual options also allow students to excel as is best for them, supported the whole way by our world class team of educators. Through our AP and dual credits, we prepare our students for success in college. Some of our most dedicated students can achieve the level of Associates Degree by the time they leave for college if they pursue a dual credit pathway. These structures for success are essential for students looking to excel, and are the vital paving stones in the path to their futures.
At Blue-X Virtual Learning, we believe students should have opportunities to prepare for life after high school, regardless of whether that will be college, career, or military.
We can design custom virtual or hybrid CTE pathways for students to build career skills while earning their diploma.